How it all began – maintaining a collection
When the 31st camera entered our house it became clear I had a problem.
My passion for film photography – and the whole analog processing – went way back, but in fairly recent times, with the defiant installation of a darkroom where the “guest room” was located, it gained even more momentum.
With my personal collection growing at a steady place, it also became obvious that cameras built 40, 50, 70 (and counting) years ago were doomed to start seeing some faults.
Restoring them became a hobby, but I am first and foremost a user, albeit not a gifted one: aesthetical pleasantness must come alongside good working conditions, so I picked up some basis of camera repair, and that is a rabbit hole I have been all to eager to be drawn into – and where there is still much to learn.
This site is partly an answer to every ad that says “Untested” “can’t test for lack or battery” – or even “film tested and developed” with HUNDREDS of camera in the inventory. In general, it wants to be an answer to bad commercial practices, done by a user for what users should like. Let’s see if it pays off.
From here, Amarcordlab. A bit of bittersweet nostalgia for the golden age of film cameras, and the desire to maintain such cameras “alive and kicking” for the time being. The best way to do so is to provide good, functional tool to the experienced photographer and the newcomer alike.
And not last, the hope to fund my own addiction with this venture :).
Neverending thanks to my wife that accepted gracefully the conversion of the aforementioned guest room, and provided the graphics for the site.